John Blue VisaGage II Liquid Flow Monitor

The John Blue Flow Monitors are perfect for monitoring flow rates when spraying or applying agricultural liquid fertilizer. The VisaGage II is cost effective and easy to install in single columns or in sets of 4 flow meter assemblies. Most John Blue VisaGage parts are interchangeable with other brands on the market.

The advantage of John Blue versus competitors is the clear PVS body with an additive for UV protection. This allows for better resistance in the weather during season and for the longevity of the units.




John Blue Liquid Blockage Monitor System (LBMS)

Adding the Liquid Blockage Monitor System to existing VisaGages consist of bolting on the back and plugging it in! The LBMS allows for the visual of your application flow from the cab of your tractor. Identify which rows are being under-applied, costing time and money.

The LBMS system shows both real time low-flow and no-flow problems, allowing you to immediately correct your issue. Call us today to keep your operation running smoothly!